Training update

Sunday: 35 minutes on the bike and a little bit of strength work. 

Monday: Rest day.  I had class all day. 

Tuesday: 44 minutes on the bike.  Then I went to see the sports medicine doctor and she spent some good time with me, asking questions and evaluating my hip and how I moved and what hurt.  She ordered an MRI and I was able to schedule it for the late afternoon.

Wednesday: 42 minutes on the bike and some weights. 

Thursday:  38 minutes on the bike before work. 

Friday: Bike for an hour day!  It is getting less mind-numbing.

Saturday:  40 minutes on the bike and some light weights.

The half marathon I was going to try to PR at is tomorrow.  Sad smile  Obviously, I won’t be running it.  I’m also not going to be doing the 5K.  Tim and Jaden will do the 5K together and I will cheer them on.  But it will be sad to not be running.  No happy birthday for me.

Also, I got the MRI results from earlier in the week.  I’ll work on a post about that in a few days.

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